Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Heart Mender

I just read a great book, The Heart Mender, by Andy Andrews. It was almost  as good as his the first book I read by this author The  Traveler's Gift; that I loved so much I got a copy for my soon to be daughter-in-law!
But anyway, back to The Heart Mender; Mr. Andrews finds German World War II medals on his property and becomes transfixed with their history. Surprisingly enough the story not only takes him to Germany, but right to America's shores and a part of history that no one has heard the tale...
And it leads to a love(ly) story he is blessed to have sitting a few pews away every Sunday morning. The poignant book also reflects on the differences the German soldiers used to signify themselves as serving their country or serving the Nazi army.
Andy Andrews, he's worth the read!

Monday, March 3, 2014

And so it begins...

So while I have been just sitting around ( yea right!!) trying to decide exactly what this blog should be, life has been rolling right along on old Camp Creek. Not always necessarily smoothly:
Although our address is in Colorado, this winter we have joked that it is like homesteading in Alaska! Take a close look at our four-wheeler, even our tuxedo kitties got in on the excitement of plowing this season!
The poultry and rabbits have been real champs; although chilly champs at times...
And a llama, Hunter, has even taken up residence on our front porch when the mercury drops below the freezing point!
But I have been doing a lot of cooking, planning for spring and therefore expansion at our homestead and lots of walking with the dogs.
As you can see I have decided the direction of Pioneering911, I plan to take my readers on the adventures of life with me; recipes, hopes, dreams, plans and failures.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pioneering on Camp Creek... Should I call 911???

You know, there is one thing that I have noticed about humans as a race; we kind of like a little bit if drama in our lives. If it does not find us naturally, we go out and look for trouble, whether we know it  or not. That is why I have started this new blog, it will provide all the drama any one person may need without getting their lives all  tied up in a wad, yes just like our panties!

Life on Camp Creek, at 10,000 feet elevation, in the midst of the Colorado Rockies is always one big adventure after another. But try to add raising kids, livestock, and all of your own food and drama is not far behind! I will be posting pictures of my DIY projects, recipes from my very old fashioned kitchen, and stories from a high elevation homestead that struggles to do just about everything with nothing. Not only because money is tight, but because it is a challenge to me!

So I welcome you for the journey and hope you come back often.
Kind regards,